X of medial procedure; the apex of paramere recurved; the medial process apically with two lateral sharp projections; the membranous sclerite PubMed ID:http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/138/3/322 amongst paramere and medial approach, not distinctly protruding posteriorly; and the dorsal phallothecal sclerite with lateral expansion close to basal arm, sharp, dorsad. (+)-MCPG site Distribution South America (Fig. ). Dorsum of postocular lobe dark brown, variably shaped medial longitudil line and location involving ocelli and eye yellowishbrown, ventral surface yellowishbrown. Labial segments I II yellowishbrown; segment III reddish to dark brown. Antenl segments brown, sometimes scape darker on dorsal surface or pedicel darker apically. Anterior pronotal lobe yellowishbrown to brown, collar and setal tracts darker, some specimens with dark brown spot on proepisternum. Posterior pronotal lobe yellowishbrown to brown. Pleura yellowishbrown. Sternites yellowishbrown; mesosternum with dark brown area anterior to mesocoxa. Scutellum yellowishbrown to brown, apex lighter. Legs yellowishbrown, quite a few specimens with dark brown raised spots or bands on femora and tibiae (see “Taxon Discussion” under). Corium and clavus reddishbrown, veins yellowishbrown; membrane yellowishbrown. Dorsum of abdomen yellowish, reddish, or dark brown; connexival margins and ventral surface yellowishbrown. Pygophore yellowishbrown; some specimens with medial approach apically reddishbrown or brown. VESTITURE: Moderately setose. Pubescence of brief recumbent and quick to lengthy erect setae. Anteocular lobe with brief recumbent and erect setae more than whole surface, extra dense dorsally; postocular lobe with brief to moderate recumbent and moderate to extended erect setae, erect setae much more dense posteriorly. With quick to moderate recumbent setae more than complete surface, confined to setal tracts on dorsum of anterior pronotal lobe, longerZhang G et al.erect setae on lateral surface; scutellum with short recumbent and short to moderate semierect and erect setae more than surface. Legs with quick to lengthy semierect to erect setae. Corium and clavus with short, recumbent setae. Abdomen with short recumbent and some quick to moderate erect setae over ventral and lateral surfaces. Exposed surface of pygophore with brief recumbent and short to lengthy erect setae; quick to moderately stiff erect setae on apical half of parameres. STRUCTURE: Head: Cylindrical, LW Postocular lobe moderately extended; in dorsal view anteriorly gradually rrowing, posterior portion continuous, slightly rrower. Eye moderately sized; lateral margin only slightly wider than postocular lobe; dorsal and ventral margins removed from surfaces of head. Labium: I: II: III.:.: Basiflagellomere diameter bigger than that of pedicel. Thorax: Anterolateral angle bearing tiny projection; medial longitudil sulcus evident only on posterior, deepening anterior to transverse sulcus of pronotum. Posterior pronotal lobe with finely rugulose surface; disc slightly elevated above humeral angle; humeral angle armed, with dentate projection. Scutellum lengthy; apex angulate, not projected. Legs: Slender. Hemelytron: Slightly surpassing apex of abdomen, not greater than length of abdomil segment seven; quadrate cell tiny, elongate; Cu and M of cubital cell subparallel. GENITALIA: (Fig. ) Pygophore: Ovoid. Medial process cylindrical; slender; long; laterally somewhat compressed; erect; nearly straight; basally with out protrusion; apex in posterior view Tat-NR2B9c site modified, hooklike. Paramere: Cylindrical; moderately long, attaining apex of med.X of medial method; the apex of paramere recurved; the medial process apically with two lateral sharp projections; the membranous sclerite PubMed ID:http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/138/3/322 in between paramere and medial process, not distinctly protruding posteriorly; as well as the dorsal phallothecal sclerite with lateral expansion close to basal arm, sharp, dorsad. Distribution South America (Fig. ). Dorsum of postocular lobe dark brown, variably shaped medial longitudil line and area among ocelli and eye yellowishbrown, ventral surface yellowishbrown. Labial segments I II yellowishbrown; segment III reddish to dark brown. Antenl segments brown, occasionally scape darker on dorsal surface or pedicel darker apically. Anterior pronotal lobe yellowishbrown to brown, collar and setal tracts darker, some specimens with dark brown spot on proepisternum. Posterior pronotal lobe yellowishbrown to brown. Pleura yellowishbrown. Sternites yellowishbrown; mesosternum with dark brown region anterior to mesocoxa. Scutellum yellowishbrown to brown, apex lighter. Legs yellowishbrown, a lot of specimens with dark brown raised spots or bands on femora and tibiae (see “Taxon Discussion” beneath). Corium and clavus reddishbrown, veins yellowishbrown; membrane yellowishbrown. Dorsum of abdomen yellowish, reddish, or dark brown; connexival margins and ventral surface yellowishbrown. Pygophore yellowishbrown; some specimens with medial approach apically reddishbrown or brown. VESTITURE: Moderately setose. Pubescence of short recumbent and brief to lengthy erect setae. Anteocular lobe with brief recumbent and erect setae more than entire surface, more dense dorsally; postocular lobe with brief to moderate recumbent and moderate to lengthy erect setae, erect setae much more dense posteriorly. With brief to moderate recumbent setae more than complete surface, confined to setal tracts on dorsum of anterior pronotal lobe, longerZhang G et al.erect setae on lateral surface; scutellum with quick recumbent and brief to moderate semierect and erect setae over surface. Legs with short to long semierect to erect setae. Corium and clavus with short, recumbent setae. Abdomen with short recumbent and some short to moderate erect setae more than ventral and lateral surfaces. Exposed surface of pygophore with short recumbent and short to lengthy erect setae; short to moderately stiff erect setae on apical half of parameres. STRUCTURE: Head: Cylindrical, LW Postocular lobe moderately long; in dorsal view anteriorly gradually rrowing, posterior portion continuous, slightly rrower. Eye moderately sized; lateral margin only slightly wider than postocular lobe; dorsal and ventral margins removed from surfaces of head. Labium: I: II: III.:.:
Basiflagellomere diameter larger than that of pedicel. Thorax: Anterolateral angle bearing smaller projection; medial longitudil sulcus evident only on posterior, deepening anterior to transverse sulcus of pronotum. Posterior pronotal lobe with finely rugulose surface; disc slightly elevated above humeral angle; humeral angle armed, with dentate projection. Scutellum extended; apex angulate, not projected. Legs: Slender. Hemelytron: Slightly surpassing apex of abdomen, not more than length of abdomil segment seven; quadrate cell small, elongate; Cu and M of cubital cell subparallel. GENITALIA: (Fig. ) Pygophore: Ovoid. Medial method cylindrical; slender; lengthy; laterally somewhat compressed; erect; nearly straight; basally without having protrusion; apex in posterior view modified, hooklike. Paramere: Cylindrical; moderately lengthy, achieving apex of med.