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Complete staining kit with highest sensitivity, lowest background Highest sensitivity, complete staining kit for both IHC and ISHPOLYVIEW® PLUS reagents’ biotin free nanopolymer detection circumvents endogenous background while providing specific antigen localizationHIGHDEF® DAB (Brown) HRP provides high intensity color development to deliver sharp, crisp stainingCompatible with both manual and automated platforms The POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP-DAB (Anti-Mouse) Kit is intended for both IHC and ISH staining. The kit is a non-biotin one step detection system suitable for demonstrating antigens in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues and frozen sections. This kit can be used with blood smears, cytosmears, and cell preparations.{{58880-19-6} medchemexpress|{58880-19-6} Protocol|{58880-19-6} In Vivo|{58880-19-6} custom synthesis} Cervical tissue Ki-67 detected using POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP-DAB (Anti-Mouse) Kit Cervical tissue p16 detected using POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP-DAB (Anti-Mouse) Kit Cervical tissue Ki-67 detected using POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP-DAB (Anti-Mouse) Kit Cervical tissue p16 detected using POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP-DAB (Anti-Mouse) Kit




Additional Information :
| Application IHC | Assay Time | Contents IHC/ISH Peroxidase Block, Antibody Blocking Buffer, POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP (Anti-Mouse) Reagent (Ready-To-Use), HIGHDEF® DAB Chromogen, HIGHDEF® DAB Substrate Buffer, HIGHDEF® Hematoxylin, Antigen Retrieval Reagent, pH 9 (10X) | Technical Info / Product Notes The POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP-DAB (Anti-Mouse) Kit contains POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP (Anti-Mouse) Reagent that has been developed by directly labeling anti-mouse immunoglobulins with enzymes using a proprietary tandem hyper-labeling technology in ready-to-use format.{{26993-30-6} MedChemExpress|{26993-30-6} Biological Activity|{26993-30-6} In Vivo|{26993-30-6} manufacturer} This ensures consistent and reproducible immunodetection of mouse antibodies against nuclear, cytoplasmic and membrane antigens in different types of tissues.PMID:30422580 The single step POLYVIEW® PLUS HRP (Anti-Mouse) Reagent allows faster staining procedures as compared to traditional two-step methods using biotin and avidin/streptavidin conjugates, with significantly lower background. Enzo’s HIGHDEF® DAB (Brown) HRP and HIGHDEF® Hematoxylin reagents provide strong signal coupled with the peroxidase and antibody blocking blockers included in the kit to give minimal background.

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Author: Menin- MLL-menin