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Northup JK (1999). Agonist selective regulation of G proteins by cannabinoid CB(1) and CB(two) receptors. Mol Pharmacol 56: 1362369. Glass M, Dragunow M, Faull RL (1997). Cannabinoid receptors inside the human brain: a detailed anatomical and quantitative autoradiographic study inside the fetal, neonatal and adult human brain. Neuroscience 77: 29918.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Dr Meritxell Canals (Monash University) for valuable assistance on establishing the CAMYEL assay and Ken Mackie (University of Indiana) for the AtT-20 rCB1. Funding was received for EC in the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand Repatriation Fellowship. C. B. was supported by the PJ Smith Travelling Fellowship and University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship. M. C. was supported by NHMRC Grant 1002680, W. J. R. by an International Scholarship from Macquarie University.Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they’ve no conflict of interest.
Genome-Wide Association Mapping Combined with Reverse Genetics Identifies New Effectors of Low Water Potential-Induced Proline Accumulation in Arabidopsis1[W][OPEN]Paul E. Verslues 2*, Jesse R. Lasky two,three, Thomas E. Juenger, Tzu-Wen Liu four, and M. Nagaraj Kumar Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei 115, Taiwan (P.Melittin E.Nicotinamide riboside chloride V., T.-W.L., M.N.K.); and Section of Integrative Biology (J.R.L., T.E.J.) and Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology (T.E.J.), University of Texas, Austin, TexasArabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) exhibits all-natural genetic variation in drought response, including varying levels of proline (Pro) accumulation under low water potential. As Pro accumulation is potentially critical for anxiety tolerance and cellular redox control, we conducted a genome-wide association (GWAS) study of low water potential-induced Pro accumulation utilizing a panel of all-natural accessions and publicly readily available single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data sets. Candidate genomic regions had been prioritized for subsequent study working with metrics considering each the strength and spatial clustering from the association signal. These analyses identified quite a few candidate regions likely containing gene(s) influencing Pro accumulation.PMID:24635174 Reverse genetic evaluation of various candidates identified new Pro effector genes, such as thioredoxins and quite a few genes encoding Universal Stress Protein A domain proteins. These new Pro effector genes further link Pro accumulation to cellular redox and energy status. Extra new Pro effector genes identified involve the mitochondrial protease LON1, ribosomal protein RPL24A, protein phosphatase 2A subunit A3, a MADS box protein, and also a nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. A number of of those new Pro effector genes were from regions with several SNPs, every single getting moderate association with Pro accumulation. This pattern supports the usage of summary approaches that incorporate clusters of SNP associations as well as consideration of individual SNP probability values. Additional GWASguided reverse genetics promises to find added effectors of Pro accumulation. The combination of GWAS and reverse genetics to efficiently recognize new effector genes may well be specifically applicable for traits difficult to analyze by other genetic screening solutions.Identifying the genes accountable for intraspecific variation in drought response has been challenging due to the polygenic nature and environmental sensitivity of abiotic stress-responsive traits. Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) is naturally distributed across a wide ra.

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Author: Menin- MLL-menin