Scens K. P dmaa, sp. nov. MycoBank MB518512. Figs 4L, 13.Etymology: refers to the similarity towards the anamorph of H. virescens though phylogenetically not closely related.In MEA substratum, conidiophora 30000 m longa, prope basin 6 m lata. Cellulae conidiogenae subulatae, cum unum vel paucos conidiogenos locos, 255 m longae, prope basin 4.0.0 m latae. Conidia ellipsoidea, interdum clavatae, (18.022.five(7.five) (six.58.three(0.0) m, basi attenuata, saepe curva in dimidio inferiore, 1()-septata, hyalina vel diluta flavovirentes; 2() conidia ad apicem cellulae conidiogenae. Chlamydosporae sublgobosae, 147 124 m, hyalinae vel ochraceae, catenatae; structurae aggregatae similes sclerotiis fuliginosae, pseudoparenchymatae.Colonies on MEA spreading quickly, reaching 70 mm in 4 d; reverse initially ochraceous or yellow turning crimson; margin even. Odour absent. Aerial mycelium moderate, cottony, as much as four mm high, reaching lid of Petri dish at margin; buff, acquiring greenish tinge with formation of conidia, hyphae turning purple in KOH. Submerged hyphae generally turning purple in KOH, cells infrequently becoming swollen. Conidiation abundant, normally in patches. Conidiophores not differentiated from aerial hyphae; ascending to suberect or erect, most important axis 30000 m lengthy, six m wide, thin-walled, brownish yellow, except at apex, pigmented parts turning purple in KOH; branching PubMed ID: moderate to profuse, verticillate or irregular, usually drepanoid, largely in uppermost part; conidiophores frequently borne as side branches from a verticil of conidiogenous cells, additional branching at apex; lateral branches supporting 1 conidiogenous cells, 255 m long and four.0.0 m wide,frequently integrated into a previously formed verticil. Conidiogenous cells3() inside a verticil; subulate, 300 m long, three.five m wide close to base, attenuating to 0.7.3 m at apex; aseptate, forming a single conidiogenous locus at tip or occasionally an more locus on a small protrusion in the middle of cell or ca. 3 m from tip. Conidia ellipsoidal, some slightly clavate, mostly inequi some equilateral, straight or curved in reduced half, largely attenuated towards base; (18.022.5(27.5) (6.58.three(0.0) m, Q = (two.22.7(.3); 1()-septate, septum median or occasionally sub- or supramedian; hyaline or pale yellowish green, pale green in conidial masses in culture; hilum prominent, narrow, refractive, central or laterally placed; conidia formed obliquely from uppermost locus, held by two() in radiating heads. Chlamydospores formed amongst submerged mycelium, cells subglobose, 147 124.5 m, wall 0.7 thick, hyaline to pale ochraceous, in intercalary or lateral chains; dark brown sclerotia-like DPH-153893 biological activity aggregations scattered above agar, to 1 mm diam, homogenous, pseudoparenchymatous, cells 139 124 m, with wall 1.0.three thick, yellowish ochraceous. Substrata: Aphyllophoralean basidiomycete. Distribution: Southeastern Asia, known only in the form locality. Holotype: Thailand, Khao Yai National Park, Nature trail km 33 to Nong Pak Chi, on an aphyllophoralean basidiomycete, 1 Aug. 1997, K. P dmaa, TAAM 169726, ex-type culture TFC 97-23 = CBS 100366. Notes: Cladobotryum paravirescens is distinct in making yellowish green, mostly 1-septate conidia with acuminate bases that happen to be typically curved. The colouration of conidia, led for the original identification of those two Thai collections as C. virescens (P dmaa Samuels 2004), previously the only known species generating redRed-PigMented tRoPical HypomycesFig.13.Cladobotryum paravirescens, ex-type culture TFC 97-23 on MEA. A. Coni.