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Ons (Adams and Penny 1985, Freitas and Penny 2001). Known geographic distribution. Argentina, Brazil, British Guiana, Colombia, Cuba, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela (Adams and Penny 1985, Freitas and Penny 2001). Larval diagnosis. Chrysopodes (C.) divisus larvae (all instars) are Linaprazan msds relatively short, compact, and rotund. Their bodies are white to light cream-colored, with brown to light brown prothoracic sclerites; most of the long setae are cream-colored to light brown. The extensive brown head markings of C. (C.) divisus (all instars) are similar to those of C. (C.) lineafrons in that: (i) The confluent frontal markings, together with the dark brown intermandibular region, form an extensive dark brown, triangular to T-shaped mark on the anterior region of the head. (ii) The mesal and purchase Mequitazine lateral arms of the epicranial markings are completely or partially confluent; together with the dark brown postfrontal markings, they cover most of the posterior and mesolateral regions of the head. The first instar of C. (C.) divisus is distinguished from C. (C.) lineafrons by the lack of thorns on all cranial setae other than S1 and S11, metathorax with a large number of setae (n = 6?) in row (R1) on posterior fold, and a large number of abdominal SMS on segments A1 to A5 (n > 30). Second and third instars (Semaphoront B) are characterized by cranial setae that are all without thorns, prothorax that is white to cream-colored and without a conspicuous covering of brown spinules, and metathorax that has a large number of setae (n = 14?5) in row (R1), which, in the L3, is flanked laterally by a pair of long, smooth setae. First instar. (Semaphoront A). Body (Fig. 5A) short, globose, compact in shape, 2.5?.9 mm long. Head (Figs 2A, 5B) 0.38?.39 mm wide; mandibles 0.35?.39 mm long (ratio, mandible length : head width = 0.95?.02 : 1). Dorsum of cranium predominantly brown, with wedge-shaped, white area posteromesally. Epicranial marking entire, light brown mesally, darker brown laterally. Postfrontal marking darker brown than most of epicranial marking, contiguous basally with distal margin of epicranial marking, extending to anterior base of antenna. Frontal marking paired, but fused mesally, dark brown anteriorly, narrow, extending anteriorly from midregion of cranium, bending toward inner basal margin of mandible. Intermandibular, clypeal area brown. Cranial setae light amber; S1, S11 long, thorny, others smooth, shorter. Gena, ventral margin of cranium brown; genal marking with small white spot behind eye. Labial palpus tinged with light brown, slightly darker distally. Mandibles amber, with brown basolateral spot. Antenna with scape brownish, pedicel white basally, brown distally, flagellum light brown. Thorax (Figs 2A, 5A) mostly cream to white, with sclerotized structures light to very light brown; episternum light brown. Legs white, with base of coxa light brown, femurPatr ia S. Silva et al. / ZooKeys 262: 39?2 (2013)Figure 4. Head and thorax, dorsal, third instar A Chrysopodes (C.) divisus B Chrysopodes (C.) fumosus C Chrysopodes (C.) geayi D Chrysopodes (C.) lineafrons e Chrysopodes (C.) spinellus. Abbreviations: epi-l epicranial marking, lateral arm epi-m epicranial marking, mesal arm fr frontal marking post postfrontal marking T1Sc1, T1Sc2 first and second primary prothoracic sclerites.(especially distal half ) tinged with brown, dorsum of tibia, tarsus tinged with light brown; tarsal claws, empodia brown. LS cream to white; other s.Ons (Adams and Penny 1985, Freitas and Penny 2001). Known geographic distribution. Argentina, Brazil, British Guiana, Colombia, Cuba, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela (Adams and Penny 1985, Freitas and Penny 2001). Larval diagnosis. Chrysopodes (C.) divisus larvae (all instars) are relatively short, compact, and rotund. Their bodies are white to light cream-colored, with brown to light brown prothoracic sclerites; most of the long setae are cream-colored to light brown. The extensive brown head markings of C. (C.) divisus (all instars) are similar to those of C. (C.) lineafrons in that: (i) The confluent frontal markings, together with the dark brown intermandibular region, form an extensive dark brown, triangular to T-shaped mark on the anterior region of the head. (ii) The mesal and lateral arms of the epicranial markings are completely or partially confluent; together with the dark brown postfrontal markings, they cover most of the posterior and mesolateral regions of the head. The first instar of C. (C.) divisus is distinguished from C. (C.) lineafrons by the lack of thorns on all cranial setae other than S1 and S11, metathorax with a large number of setae (n = 6?) in row (R1) on posterior fold, and a large number of abdominal SMS on segments A1 to A5 (n > 30). Second and third instars (Semaphoront B) are characterized by cranial setae that are all without thorns, prothorax that is white to cream-colored and without a conspicuous covering of brown spinules, and metathorax that has a large number of setae (n = 14?5) in row (R1), which, in the L3, is flanked laterally by a pair of long, smooth setae. First instar. (Semaphoront A). Body (Fig. 5A) short, globose, compact in shape, 2.5?.9 mm long. Head (Figs 2A, 5B) 0.38?.39 mm wide; mandibles 0.35?.39 mm long (ratio, mandible length : head width = 0.95?.02 : 1). Dorsum of cranium predominantly brown, with wedge-shaped, white area posteromesally. Epicranial marking entire, light brown mesally, darker brown laterally. Postfrontal marking darker brown than most of epicranial marking, contiguous basally with distal margin of epicranial marking, extending to anterior base of antenna. Frontal marking paired, but fused mesally, dark brown anteriorly, narrow, extending anteriorly from midregion of cranium, bending toward inner basal margin of mandible. Intermandibular, clypeal area brown. Cranial setae light amber; S1, S11 long, thorny, others smooth, shorter. Gena, ventral margin of cranium brown; genal marking with small white spot behind eye. Labial palpus tinged with light brown, slightly darker distally. Mandibles amber, with brown basolateral spot. Antenna with scape brownish, pedicel white basally, brown distally, flagellum light brown. Thorax (Figs 2A, 5A) mostly cream to white, with sclerotized structures light to very light brown; episternum light brown. Legs white, with base of coxa light brown, femurPatr ia S. Silva et al. / ZooKeys 262: 39?2 (2013)Figure 4. Head and thorax, dorsal, third instar A Chrysopodes (C.) divisus B Chrysopodes (C.) fumosus C Chrysopodes (C.) geayi D Chrysopodes (C.) lineafrons e Chrysopodes (C.) spinellus. Abbreviations: epi-l epicranial marking, lateral arm epi-m epicranial marking, mesal arm fr frontal marking post postfrontal marking T1Sc1, T1Sc2 first and second primary prothoracic sclerites.(especially distal half ) tinged with brown, dorsum of tibia, tarsus tinged with light brown; tarsal claws, empodia brown. LS cream to white; other s.

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Author: Menin- MLL-menin