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Howed DiI-Ac-LDL uptake by differentiated iPS cell after two weeks hepatogenic induction. (B) Positive PAS stain for glycogen storage in iPS cell-derived hepatocytes. (C) IF stain showed that 9B2 antigens (red) were expressed at the junction between adjacent hepatocytes. F-actin (green) and DAPI (blue). (DOC)Figure S3 The 6-month teratoma observation study. The iPS cells were labeled with GFP (iPSC-GFP) then injected into mice in our experimental system (N = 4). The total follow up time was 6 months. The iPSC-GFP positive signals were examined by the Ex vivo GFP imaging. The results demonstrated that 22948146 there were no GFP signal could be found by Ex vivo GFP imaging. In addition, no tumor detected by histological when detail survey were performed in multiple organs including liver, lung, stomach, intestine, colon, kidney, bladder, and brain. (DOC) Figure S4 Interferons (IFN) and TNF-a are not inducers of IP-10. (A) In the injured liver, the expression of IFN-c and IFN-a mRNA were reduced and remained low despite iPS infusion. There was no significant difference in IFN-l. (B) Hepatic TNF-a increased after injury but was reduced by iPS infusion. The TNF-a receptor type 1 (TNF-a R1) expression increased significantly after injury. IPS infusion did not alter the expression levels of TNF-a R1 mRNA (n = 6, *p,0.05 vs. normal control, # P,0.05, vs. CCl4) (DOC) Supplementary Methods and Results Spurchase Thiazole Orange cytokine Array and IP-10 ELISAThe liver tissues of the CCl4-injured mice without or with iPS treatment were homogenized and prepared in PBS with protease inhibitors (10 mg/mL Aprotinin, 10 mg/mL Leupeptin, and 10 mg/mL Pepstatin) and 1 Triton X-100. The tissue lysates were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 minutes to remove cell debris. The protein TA-02 concentrations were quantified (DC-Bradford protein assay, Bradford, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and 200 mg of proteins were used for the analysis of cytokines by the commercialized assay kits (Mouse cytokine array panel A and IP-10 Immunoassay, R D, MN) according the manufacture’s instruction. The expression of individual cytokines in injured liver received iPS treatment was quantified by densitometry and expressed as fold change relative to their expressions in the injured liver without iPS treatment.Statistical AnalysisThe results were expressed as mean6SEM. Statistical analysis was performed by using an independent Student t test and oneand two-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test when appropriate. The survival analysis was performed by using logrank test. A p value ,0.05 was considered statistically significant.(DOC)Table S1 Primer sequences used in real time-PCR.Supporting InformationFigure S(DOC)Table S2 Organ distribution of iPS injected into CCl4injured mice. (DOC)Characterization of hepatocyte differentiation potential in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. (A) Morphology of the iPS cells on feeder layer 15755315 of fibroblasts and (B) iPS-derived hepatocyte-like (iHL) cells after hepatogenic induction. Insert picture is normal hepatocyte. (C ) Hepatocytespecific protein markers expressed in iHL cells. The hepatic specific markers AFP, ALB and HNF-3b were detected by immunofluorescence assay. (F) Hepatocyte-specific transcripts expressed in iHL cells RNA from adult liver cells (lane 1) and fetal liver cells (lane 2) represent the positive control while RNA from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF, lane 3) represent the negative control. AFP, a-fetal protein; ALB, albumin; HNF-3b, hepatocyte nuclear factor-3b; TTR, Tra.Howed DiI-Ac-LDL uptake by differentiated iPS cell after two weeks hepatogenic induction. (B) Positive PAS stain for glycogen storage in iPS cell-derived hepatocytes. (C) IF stain showed that 9B2 antigens (red) were expressed at the junction between adjacent hepatocytes. F-actin (green) and DAPI (blue). (DOC)Figure S3 The 6-month teratoma observation study. The iPS cells were labeled with GFP (iPSC-GFP) then injected into mice in our experimental system (N = 4). The total follow up time was 6 months. The iPSC-GFP positive signals were examined by the Ex vivo GFP imaging. The results demonstrated that 22948146 there were no GFP signal could be found by Ex vivo GFP imaging. In addition, no tumor detected by histological when detail survey were performed in multiple organs including liver, lung, stomach, intestine, colon, kidney, bladder, and brain. (DOC) Figure S4 Interferons (IFN) and TNF-a are not inducers of IP-10. (A) In the injured liver, the expression of IFN-c and IFN-a mRNA were reduced and remained low despite iPS infusion. There was no significant difference in IFN-l. (B) Hepatic TNF-a increased after injury but was reduced by iPS infusion. The TNF-a receptor type 1 (TNF-a R1) expression increased significantly after injury. IPS infusion did not alter the expression levels of TNF-a R1 mRNA (n = 6, *p,0.05 vs. normal control, # P,0.05, vs. CCl4) (DOC) Supplementary Methods and Results SCytokine Array and IP-10 ELISAThe liver tissues of the CCl4-injured mice without or with iPS treatment were homogenized and prepared in PBS with protease inhibitors (10 mg/mL Aprotinin, 10 mg/mL Leupeptin, and 10 mg/mL Pepstatin) and 1 Triton X-100. The tissue lysates were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 minutes to remove cell debris. The protein concentrations were quantified (DC-Bradford protein assay, Bradford, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and 200 mg of proteins were used for the analysis of cytokines by the commercialized assay kits (Mouse cytokine array panel A and IP-10 Immunoassay, R D, MN) according the manufacture’s instruction. The expression of individual cytokines in injured liver received iPS treatment was quantified by densitometry and expressed as fold change relative to their expressions in the injured liver without iPS treatment.Statistical AnalysisThe results were expressed as mean6SEM. Statistical analysis was performed by using an independent Student t test and oneand two-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test when appropriate. The survival analysis was performed by using logrank test. A p value ,0.05 was considered statistically significant.(DOC)Table S1 Primer sequences used in real time-PCR.Supporting InformationFigure S(DOC)Table S2 Organ distribution of iPS injected into CCl4injured mice. (DOC)Characterization of hepatocyte differentiation potential in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. (A) Morphology of the iPS cells on feeder layer 15755315 of fibroblasts and (B) iPS-derived hepatocyte-like (iHL) cells after hepatogenic induction. Insert picture is normal hepatocyte. (C ) Hepatocytespecific protein markers expressed in iHL cells. The hepatic specific markers AFP, ALB and HNF-3b were detected by immunofluorescence assay. (F) Hepatocyte-specific transcripts expressed in iHL cells RNA from adult liver cells (lane 1) and fetal liver cells (lane 2) represent the positive control while RNA from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF, lane 3) represent the negative control. AFP, a-fetal protein; ALB, albumin; HNF-3b, hepatocyte nuclear factor-3b; TTR, Tra.

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Author: Menin- MLL-menin