At 10,0006 g. The pellet was resuspended in StemPro 34 media at 1/100th the initial volume and frozen in 1 ml aliquots. The concentrated vector was titered by transducing HEK-293T cells with increasing vector volumes. Seventy two hours post-transduction 22948146 genomic DNA was isolated and DNA copy number was estimated by quantitative PCR. Titers were determined using primers designed specifically to amplify the transgene. Typically, virus titers of 108 TU/ml were obtained.MethodsBlood samples were obtained from consenting volunteers, in writing, in accordance with the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Institutional Review Board.Glioblastoma cell lines and cloning of TMZ-resistant cellsHuman glioma cell lines U87, U373, and SNB-19 were used in this study. The U87 is a grade IV glioma that originated from a 44-year-old Caucasian woman [27]. The genetic characteristics of the cell line have been well-described [28]. The cell line was obtained from the ATCC by the UAB Brain Tumor Tissue Core, a unit of the UAB NCI SPORE in Brain Cancer. Its origin has been verified by STR PCR and has been found to agree with the original cell source. U373MG is a grade III astrocytoma that was cultured from a 61 year old male [27] and was obtained directly from Darell D. Bigner (Duke University) who obtained them from Jan Ponten of Uppsala University. The cell line has been verified as authentic (Rb-deleted, p15/p16 wildtype) and has the same STR pattern as the original line. SNB-19 is a grade IV glioma cell line derived from the resection of a glioblastoma multiforme from a 47 year old male [29] and was obtained directly from Richard Morrison who extensively characterized the cell line [30]. The cells have been verified as authentic by STR PCR.U87 cells, known to be resistant to TMZ, were not modified. SNB-19 and U373 glioma cells, normally sensitive to TMZ, were cultured in incremental concentrations of TMZ up to 400 mM over several weeks in our laboratory with stepwise 298690-60-5 selection and subculture of resistant clones as described by Zhang [31].Lentiviral transduction of cd T cellsOn the previously described days of expansion culture, 16106 cd T cells were added to 1 ml of pre-warmed culture medium and plated in a 6 well culture dish. To each well varying amounts of virus were added to achieve an MOI of 5, 10, 20, and 50, with 2 control wells, as well as 50 U of IL-2. For 3 consecutive days, beginning on day 6, viable cell counts were performed and virus was added to the media to obtain the desired MOI. Additional media was added to each well to bring the total volume to 1 mL if needed. On day 9, 11, 13 and 15 a viable cell count was performed and media added to bring the concentration of viable cells to 16106 cells/mL; with additional IL-2 added to a concentration of 50 U/mL On day 15 the cells were incubated in media 166518-60-1 containing 400 mM TMZ for 24 hours. Following incubation viable cell counts were measured using an automated Trypan-blue dye exclusion and counting system(Vi-Cell: Beckman-Coulter; Miami, FL). To prepare a bulk cd T cell culture, lentivirus was added to the cell culture medium at an MOI of 20 and supplemented with 6 mg/ml polybrene. The transduction was repeated the following day with additional lentivirus particles, also at an MOI of 20. Twenty four hours after the second transduction, fresh medium was added to the virus containing medium and the transduced cells were used.At 10,0006 g. The pellet was resuspended in StemPro 34 media at 1/100th the initial volume and frozen in 1 ml aliquots. The concentrated vector was titered by transducing HEK-293T cells with increasing vector volumes. Seventy two hours post-transduction 22948146 genomic DNA was isolated and DNA copy number was estimated by quantitative PCR. Titers were determined using primers designed specifically to amplify the transgene. Typically, virus titers of 108 TU/ml were obtained.MethodsBlood samples were obtained from consenting volunteers, in writing, in accordance with the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Institutional Review Board.Glioblastoma cell lines and cloning of TMZ-resistant cellsHuman glioma cell lines U87, U373, and SNB-19 were used in this study. The U87 is a grade IV glioma that originated from a 44-year-old Caucasian woman [27]. The genetic characteristics of the cell line have been well-described [28]. The cell line was obtained from the ATCC by the UAB Brain Tumor Tissue Core, a unit of the UAB NCI SPORE in Brain Cancer. Its origin has been verified by STR PCR and has been found to agree with the original cell source. U373MG is a grade III astrocytoma that was cultured from a 61 year old male [27] and was obtained directly from Darell D. Bigner (Duke University) who obtained them from Jan Ponten of Uppsala University. The cell line has been verified as authentic (Rb-deleted, p15/p16 wildtype) and has the same STR pattern as the original line. SNB-19 is a grade IV glioma cell line derived from the resection of a glioblastoma multiforme from a 47 year old male [29] and was obtained directly from Richard Morrison who extensively characterized the cell line [30]. The cells have been verified as authentic by STR PCR.U87 cells, known to be resistant to TMZ, were not modified. SNB-19 and U373 glioma cells, normally sensitive to TMZ, were cultured in incremental concentrations of TMZ up to 400 mM over several weeks in our laboratory with stepwise selection and subculture of resistant clones as described by Zhang [31].Lentiviral transduction of cd T cellsOn the previously described days of expansion culture, 16106 cd T cells were added to 1 ml of pre-warmed culture medium and plated in a 6 well culture dish. To each well varying amounts of virus were added to achieve an MOI of 5, 10, 20, and 50, with 2 control wells, as well as 50 U of IL-2. For 3 consecutive days, beginning on day 6, viable cell counts were performed and virus was added to the media to obtain the desired MOI. Additional media was added to each well to bring the total volume to 1 mL if needed. On day 9, 11, 13 and 15 a viable cell count was performed and media added to bring the concentration of
viable cells to 16106 cells/mL; with additional IL-2 added to a concentration of 50 U/mL On day 15 the cells were incubated in media containing 400 mM TMZ for 24 hours. Following incubation viable cell counts were measured using an automated Trypan-blue dye exclusion and counting system(Vi-Cell: Beckman-Coulter; Miami, FL). To prepare a bulk cd T cell culture, lentivirus was added to the cell culture medium at an MOI of 20 and supplemented with 6 mg/ml polybrene. The transduction was repeated the following day with additional lentivirus particles, also at an MOI of 20. Twenty four hours after the second transduction, fresh medium was added to the virus containing medium and the transduced cells were used.